Miesięcznik Polskiego Zrzeszenia Inżynierów i Techników Sanitarnych
Pierwszy numer ukazał się w 1921 roku.
ISSN 0016-5352, e-ISSN2449-9404

Issue 12/2023 (December)

Influence of hydrogen blended gas transmission under transient flow on L485ME steel grade fracture toughness
DOI: 10.15199/17.2023.12.1

Ferdinand Uilhoorn and Maciej Witek

Effect of hydrogen addition to the gas network on the design of the gas system in a residential building
DOI: 10.15199/17.2023.12.2

Andrzej Jedlikowski, Sebastian Englart, Maciej Skrzycki

Hydrogen Production from Natural Gas – analysis of manufacturing technology

DOI: 10.15199/17.2023.12.3

Marta Gburzynska

Influence of changes in room temperature on energy and gas consumption in a single-family building with different energy standards in Polish climatic conditions
DOI: 10.15199/17.2023.12.4

Piotr Kowalski, Wojciech Cepinski, Paweł Szałański

Mobility of Heavy Metals in Sewage Sludge from MBR Wastewater Treatment Plants and the Ecological Risk Analysis of Their Environmental Utilization

DOI: 10.15199/17.2023.12.5

Robert Kowalik, Agata Janaszek

Effect of coagulation conditions on size and morphology of phytoplanktonic organism aggregates
DOI: 10.15199/17.2023.12.6

Ewelina Kapuścińska

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Issue 12/2023 (December)

Influence of hydrogen blended gas transmission under transient flow on L485ME steel grade fracture toughnessDOI: 10.15199/17.2023.12.1 Ferdinand Uilhoorn and Maciej Witek Abstract In the present

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ROCZNY SPIS TREŚCI ROCZNIKA 97. z 2023 r. „Gaz, Woda i Technika Sanitarna”