Editorial board


Prof. D Eng. Andrzej J. Osiadacz – Warsaw University of Technology

Deputy Editor-in-Chief
D Eng. Piotr Jadwiszczak – Wroclaw University of Science and Technology

Head of Department – Representative of the Board
M. Eng. Grażyna Zalewska

Subject editors

Gas industry
D Eng. Wojciech Kostowski – Silesian University of Technology
Dr. Grzegorz Rosłonek – PGNiG S.A.

Waste Management
D Eng. Piotr Manczarski – Warsaw University of Technology

Water and Sewage Treatment
D Eng. Katarzyna Umiejewska – Warsaw University of Technology
D Eng. Jerzy Mikosz – Cracow University of Technology

Renewable Energy Sources
D Eng. Malgorzata Kwestarz – Warsaw University of Technology

Waterworks and Sewerage
Prof. D Eng. Beata Kowalska – Lublin University of Technology
D Eng. Zbyslaw Dymaczewski – Poznan University of Technology

Program and Scientific Council

Gas industry
Prof. D Eng. Stanisław Nagy – Chairman of the Council – AGH University of Science and Technology
Dr. Ricardo Bolado Lavin – European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Petten

Waste Management
Prof. Antonio Albuquerque – University of Beira Interior, Portugal
Prof. D Eng. Andrzej Białowiec – Wroclaw University of Life Sciences

Water and Sewage Treatment
Dr. Kiran Tota-Maharaj – Aston University
Prof. D Eng. Marcin Zieliński – University of Warmia and Mazury

Renewable Energy Sources
Prof. D Eng. Waldemar Kamrat – Gdansk University of Technology
M Eng. Marcin Nocoń – PGNiG S.A.

Waterworks and Sewerage
Myroslav Malovanyy, Ph.D, D.Sc., professor – Lviv National Polytechnic University
D Eng. Dariusz Kowalski – Lublin University of Technology

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