Miesięcznik Polskiego Zrzeszenia Inżynierów i Techników Sanitarnych
Pierwszy numer ukazał się w 1921 roku.
ISSN 0016-5352, e-ISSN2449-9404

Issue 7-8/2022

Unmanned aerial vehicles application in onshore pipelines construction

Maciej Witek, Paweł Wlazło

Comparison of water stability indices based on the study of surface water from the river

Alicja Knap-Bałdyga, Małgorzata Perchuć

Hydrodynamic cavitation as a pretreatment method for lignocellulosic waste

Aleksandra Szaja

Circular economy in management of municipal sewage sludge

Jolanta Latosińska, Jarosław Gawdzik

The direction of waste minimization during the construction of the water supply and sewage system

Mateusz Nerkowski

Potential Opportunities for Organic Recycling in a Wastewater Treatment Plant in the Assumptions of Circular Economye

Alina Dereszewska, Stanisław Cytawa

Application of Pd/γ-Al2O3 catalyst to remove diclofenac from water

Bartosz Zawadzki, Monika Asztemborska, Emil Kowalewski, Krzysztof Matus, Anna Śrębowata

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