Miesięcznik Polskiego Zrzeszenia Inżynierów i Techników Sanitarnych
Pierwszy numer ukazał się w 1921 roku.
ISSN 0016-5352, e-ISSN2449-9404

Issue 05/2023 (May)

Concept of using a qualitative method to assess the risk of medium and low pressure networks.
DOI 10.15199/17.2023.5.1

Andrzej Rudzki

Optimisation of the operating parameters of the natural gas compressor station.
DOI 10.15199/17.2023.5.2

Andrzej J. Osiadacz, Maciej Chaczykowski

Parameters and ways of using biogas in sewage treatment plants belonging to Aquanet S.A.
DOI 10.15199/17.2023.5.3

Monika Pielach, Tomasz Kurant

Modern digital Atlas of Small-scall Wind Power for Poland ( AMEW – PL).
DOI 10.15199/17.2023.5.4

Joanna Wieczorek , Jakub Jurasz, Bogdan Bochenek, Andrzej Mazur, Tomasz Strzyżewski, Mariusz Figurski, Adam Jaczewski , Marta Gruszczyńska

Hybrid renewable energy concept for a single-family house.
DOI 10.15199/17.2023.5.5

Małgorzata Kwestarz, Wiktoria Kostrzewska

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Issue 02/2024 (February)

Overview of currently existing LNG facilities worldwide, technical aspects of an individual station, and forecasting gas consumption. Part 2. – calculations. Part 2 – calculationsDOI:

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Issue 12/2023 (December)

Influence of hydrogen blended gas transmission under transient flow on L485ME steel grade fracture toughnessDOI: 10.15199/17.2023.12.1 Ferdinand Uilhoorn and Maciej Witek Abstract In the present

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ROCZNY SPIS TREŚCI ROCZNIKA 97. z 2023 r. „Gaz, Woda i Technika Sanitarna”