Miesięcznik Polskiego Zrzeszenia Inżynierów i Techników Sanitarnych
Pierwszy numer ukazał się w 1921 roku.
ISSN 0016-5352, e-ISSN2449-9404

Issue 11/2022 (november)

The Joule-Thomson effect in the reduction of natural gas.


Liquefied natural gas (LNG) regasification satellite station – automatic or maintenance-free facility?

Andrzej Żero

Technology of using mine gases for energy purposes on the example of a methane compression installation.

Dominika Sopa ,Zbigniew Tałach

Basic tasks and objectives implemented by operators of gas systems.

Andrzej Barczyński

Numerical modelling as a tool supporting selection of a sanitary sewerage solution at the design stage..

Bartosz Krasuski, Dariusz Kowalski, Ewa Hołota, Beata Kowalska

Application of recycling materials for active fillings production and determination of their effectiveness in the anaerobic treatment of dairy wastewater.

Marcin Zieliński, Joanna Kazimierowicz, Marcin Dębowski

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Issue 02/2024 (February)

Overview of currently existing LNG facilities worldwide, technical aspects of an individual station, and forecasting gas consumption. Part 2. – calculations. Part 2 – calculationsDOI:

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Issue 12/2023 (December)

Influence of hydrogen blended gas transmission under transient flow on L485ME steel grade fracture toughnessDOI: 10.15199/17.2023.12.1 Ferdinand Uilhoorn and Maciej Witek Abstract In the present

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